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踏入 Mozilla Servo 兩個月的心得

踏入 Mozilla Servo 兩個月的心得

開發 Servo 有感而發寫下的紀錄

不知不覺,兩個月下來已經在 Mozilla 的 Servo8 次 commits。 Servo 為新一代 Firefox 的基石,所以做起來非常有成就感,也對瀏覽器本身開始有極大興趣。而且這個社群非常友善,開發過程讓人覺得很快樂,看著兩個月以來的紀錄,有感而發寫下這篇文章。

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How I & how a newbie to become a member of open source community?

How I & how a newbie to become a member of open source community?

A long story goes through my coding life and hope guide people in contributing to open source projects

What is this article?

I know there are many people want to join the open source community whether they are already a coder or a newbie to writing codes. I was once a guy who want to contribute to open-source projects, and I did not know how to do it. Now I am a contributor to many open-source projects.

I thought many people would have the same question which is how to commit to open source, so I write this article to record my experience and guide you to find the way. If you just want to read open-source parts, skip the previous paragraphs and jump to the rear.

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