Code makes the world a better place

How the Puffin Browser Works

Puffin is wicked fast. Let’s dig deeper into it.

This summer, I have been a software engineering intern at CloudMosa, Inc., a company which develops Puffin Browser.

During two months of the summer, I have participated in some features development and fixed some bugs. Meanwhile, I have a look at the whole picture of Puffin Browser.

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這個暑假我在 CloudMosa 所見所聞

What I saw and heard at CloudMosa in this summer.

大約在一年前,因緣際會我開始接觸瀏覽器開發,一開始是貢獻 Mozilla 的 Servo Brower Engine 專案,後來覺得還是不夠了解瀏覽器,就想說就由寫文章來強迫自己學習。ITHome 的鐵人賽剛好給了我一個行動的契機,於是就開始寫了有關於瀏覽器的系列文章。

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Let’s build a weather bot!



想查天氣的時候我想大部分人可能就是 Google 一下、上中央氣象局網站、使用 APP、看新聞。或是有種很潮的做法是問 Siri,不過效果可能不太好 ⋯⋯。

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