Lexical Scanner Implementation (5)
- 2018-10-24
- Liu, An-Chi 劉安齊
Finally, the scanner could identify a multikeyword, such as insert into
, create table
The algorithm for the scanner is really straightforward. Check the first word to see if the word could be a multikeyword. If the keyword has three words, read the following two words and check if the string match a multikeyword.
The algorithm looks some how ugly. I would like to refactor it later.
There are also tests for the scanner, just take a look at the bottom of lexer.rs
!FILENAME sql/lexer.rs
// if this is possible a multikeyword, search the following chars
match symbol::check_multi_keywords_front(word) {
// parts<Vec[u32]> for how many parts in this possible keyword
Some(parts) => {
println!("The word `{}` might be a multikeyword", word);
for keyword_total_parts in parts {
println!("Assume this keyword has {} parts", keyword_total_parts);
// copy remaining chars for testing
let mut test_chars = chars.as_str().chars();
// for testing if the string a multikeyword. Insert the first word
// and a space already. (because start scanning from next word)
let mut test_str = String::from(format!("{} ", word));
// for checking a new word
let mut is_last_letter = false;
// record the right cursor position when checking if multikeyword
// if match a multikeyword, shift right cursor with steps
let mut step_counter = 0;
// How many words added in the test_str
// if the keyword is 3 parts, the following_parts should be 2
let mut following_parts = 0;
loop {
match test_chars.next() {
Some(y) => {
// A multikeyword should be all ASCII alphabetic character
if y.is_ascii_alphabetic() {
if !is_last_letter {
is_last_letter = true;
} else {
match y {
' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' => {
if is_last_letter {
// from letter to space, count one
following_parts += 1;
// find enough parts, break earlier
if following_parts
== keyword_total_parts - 1
break; // loop
// add ` ` between words
test_str.push(' ');
is_last_letter = false
// &, %, *, @, etc.
// keywords must be letters
_ => break, // loop
None => break, // loop
step_counter += 1;
println!("Checking `{}` ...", test_str);
match symbol::SYMBOLS.get(test_str.as_str()) {
// a multikeyword
Some(token) => {
println!("Found keyword `{}`", test_str);
// shift the right cursor to the right of multikeyword
self.pos.cursor_r += step_counter;
// skip the chars included in this multikeyword
for _ in 0..step_counter {
is_multi_keyword = true;
break; // parts
None => println!("`{}` not a keyword", test_str),
None => {}