- April 9, 2019
- Liu, An-Chi 劉安齊
¶ The Clean Coder 心得、摘要與補充
前陣子把 《The Clean Coder》(中譯: 無瑕的程式碼 番外篇-專業程式設計師的生存之道) 看完,剛好可以回答一個網路上最常看到的問題之一:
Continue reading前陣子把 《The Clean Coder》(中譯: 無瑕的程式碼 番外篇-專業程式設計師的生存之道) 看完,剛好可以回答一個網路上最常看到的問題之一:
Continue readingThe technology around us affects us profoundly - emotionally, behaviorally, and cognitively. We could easily spend an enormous span not only to watch videos online but also browse websites on the internet every day. However, have you ever thought about how the sites work and what the mechanism is inside the box?
Continue readingIt’s a late night, and the man is still at the office, being in deep water over the crashed program. Everything goes wrong. He doesn’t even know why the code cannot run as usual. Unfortunately, he has forgotten what he had changed, regardless of the changes, which must be of paramount importance to the incident.
Continue reading大資工時代,所有人都一窩蜂轉行、跨行進資工領域,尤其是這陣子人工智慧話題被炒起來,好像人人都該懂機器學習、深度學習。市面上產品好像都該有個「智慧」當作前墜,智慧手環、智慧眼鏡、智慧監控系統等等。而幾年前則是雲端技術很紅,所有東西都該加個雲。區塊鏈也被當作明日之星,各種公有鏈、私有鏈的新創如雨後春筍。再加上網頁前端、後端、手機 APP等人才需求本來就大,可以說資工領域的市場需求已經被捧到了極高點。
因為市場需求大,前景看好,所以很多人半路出家改當軟體工程師,這邊廣義包含各種程式開發的人才。國民教育都把資訊科學列為必修了,代表已經是全民皆碼農的時代。連非工程職位的業務、PM、顧問好像都必須會寫個 Python 才夠生存。
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